What is “agni” in Ayurvedic Medicine?

Agni is the most important concept in Ayurveda for our health

It refers to "digestive fire," not only the kind that breaks down the things we eat and drink, but also the kind that transforms: molecules into messages, sensations into perceptions, observations into awareness, information into wisdom, and so on.

Balanced agni results in a disciplined mind, sharp intelligence, a clean and regular digestive tract, glowing skin and hair and nails, and a fresh-smelling body.

Overactive agni causes irritability, skin rashes, excessive sweating, loose or frequent bowels, and sour-smelling breath or body odor.  This can be modulated using a pitta-reducing diet; by drinking tea with cumin, coriander, and fennel; by engaging in mental practices that reduce frustration, anger, rage, and dissatisfaction; and by rest or vacation time that is peaceful in a lovely setting.

Underactive agni leads to mental fatigue, disinterest, a dull complexion, constipation, and accumulation of toxins, causing fetid breath and body odor. Agni can be improved by eating smaller meals and chewing food thoroughly andby sipping warm water or ginger tea with meals, (as opposed to gulping large icy drinks). Vatas can take a bit of fresh ginger mixed with salt and lemon before a meal; pittas can take gentian or Swedish bitters before eating and include fresh parsley or cilantro in their meals; and kaphas can use a pinch of the spice blend trikatu with about 1/4 teaspoon of honey before their meals.

These practices will give you a foundation of health and well-being that will help you glow from the inside, making you naturally attractive and magnetic.

By: Amber Lynn Vitse

"What is "agni" in Ayurvedic medicine? "



©Copyright 2012,  By Amber Lynn Vitse  - Remedies For Life Magazine,  September 4, 2012


Introduction to Ayurveda - Part Two: Beauty From the Inside


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